18 septembre 2023

The importance of environnement in powerlifting training

Any high-level athlete will tell you; training at Basic Park or Fitness Fit has its limits. Between the stigma around chalk, subpar equipment, or even zumba music blaring throughout the gym, it is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve optimized progress in Powerlifting under these conditions. Here are the different points to consider when selecting your training environment:

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The equipment:

Let's start with the basics: the physical, the tangible. Quality bars that grip your hands and back, preventing grip limitations in deadlifts or the bar from sliding on your back during squats. Bars that don't twist under 140kg. Competition benches that don't slip and allow you to adjust the bar height to the centimeter to avoid dislocating your shoulder with every unrack. Calibrated plates that truly weigh what they should, avoiding surprises in competitions. A stable floor that doesn't make you feel like you're on a trampoline during your lifts.

The Staff:

Having a staff that understands your sport and its intricacies is crucial. Yes, chalk and talc get everywhere. Yes, replacing a battered platform is expensive and tedious. But these are critical factors for both performance AND safety.

Bonus points if competent coaches are available for guidance!

The Music:

Sure, you can put on your AirPods and listen to your own music, but if you've ever blasted heavy tunes on a speaker during a PR attempt, you know there's nothing quite like it.

Collective Stimulation:

When you're in an environment where everyone is working hard to achieve their goals, you'll naturally be inspired to do the same. The presence of other determined athletes creates a group dynamic that pushes you to exceed yourself in every session. A healthy competitive spirit can help you push your limits and achieve performances you never thought possible.

Training with Those Stronger Than You:

Confucius said, "If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room."

If you train every day with people who make bars you once thought were unattainable look easy, your mental barriers will shatter, and you'll progress like never before.

In summary, your training environment can make all the difference in both your performance and your safety. Seek out the best possible gym for your goals, even if it means traveling a bit farther or paying a little more, and watch how your performance skyrockets!